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Welcome to Cloud Nine Balloon Design Ltd.

Safety And Operating Instructions.

Helium is a natural non flammable gas, which with simple instructions that are followed is easy to use.

The following safety and operating instructions are advised to be practiced and followed every time a balloon inflator is attached to a cylinder. All caution statements must be strictly followed; Failure to adhere to these instructions may result in personal injury or property damage.

Caution. This balloon inflator is designed to fill balloons quickly and safely. Exercise extreme caution when handeling pressurised gas cylinders.

Cylinder Care.

Secure the cylinder to be used so that it will not fall over. The best option is to use a specially designed cllinder stand or trolly.

Rip off the plastic cap from the cylinder outlet and inspect the cylinder valve for thread damage, dirt, dust, oil or grease.

Crack open the cylinder valve quickly prior to use, this will remove any foreign objects from the inside of the valve port.


If the cylinder valve is opened too much without the cylinder being secured it may fall over due to the force of the gas escaping.

Always stand to the side of the cylinder when completing this operation and DO NOT stand infront of the valve !

  • DO NOT move the cylinder with the inflator connected.
  • DO NOT drop or strike the cylinderor inflator.
  • DO NOT store in direct sunlight or apply heat.


Attaching the inflator to the Cylinder.

Ensure the O ring on the inlet of the inflator is in place and that it is not damaged and attach the inflator to to the cylinder by turning the thread or hand tightening ring clockwise into the cylinder valve thread. Never use grease or oil under any circumstances on either the cylinder valve or the inflator seal. Open the valve anti-clockwise slowly or the sudden rush of released cylinder pressure may make your inflator defective.

Check all connections for leaks before filling balloons. Put the neck of the balloon over hte rubber nozzle, hold the balloon firmly, gently bend the nozzle to inflate the balloon and release when the desired balloon size is reached.

Removing The Inflator from the Cylinder.

Make sure that the cylinder valve is fully turned off.

Release the pressure from the inflator by pushing or bending the balloon-filling nozzle of your inflator.

Turn your regulator or hand tightening ring anti-clockwise and continue until the inflator is fully disengaged.

Inflate balloons no earlier than two hours before function, as latex balloons will start to deflat after 8 hours.

Do's & Don'ts to keep you safe when using Helium.

  • Read the safety precautions on the cylinder label before using the Helium.
  • Always store Helium cylinders in a well ventilated area and secure in an upright position so that they cannot fall over damaging the equipment and things around it.
  • Check all connections for leaks before filling balloons.
  • Always use a regulator that is designed for balloon filling operations.
  • Close the cylinder valve after each use and when the cylinder is empty.
  • Do not allow anyone to breath Helium from clinders or from filled balloons, although not poisonous it can result in asphyxiation.
  • Do not leave cylinders unattended so that they can be used inappropriately.
  • Do not allow children or any unauthorised persons to handle cylinders or use balloon filling equipment.
  • Only transport Helium cylinders ina well-ventilated vehicle, preferably open backed if possible.
  • Never transport the cylinder with the filling nozzle attached.
  • Use a cylinder trolly to move cylinders that are too heavy to be moved by hand.
  • Never place cylinder where it may come into contact with an electrical circuit

Terms and Conditions of Hire.

If you are picking up the cylinder yourself we will require a cash deposit. Your deposit is refunded on the safe return of the hire equipment.

The gas cylinder and filling nozzle remain the property of Cloud Nine Balloons. Damage or loss of the cylinder or filling equipment may result in loss of the deposit.


Any information that is shown here was correct at the time of writing. Cloud Nine accept no liability for injury or damage resulting from its use.


If you require any assistance please do not hesitate to call us on 01384 637909 or email shop@cloudnineballoondesign.co.uk

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